Illustrated (right) is an aluminum component for the WIYN High Resolution Infrared Camera (WHIRC), which utilizes Laser Black as an ultra high absorbing coating for the interior of these components.
“The WIYN High-Resolution Infrared Camera is a near-infrared (0.9 – 2.5 μm) imager which installs on the WIYN Tip/tilt module (WTTM) port. The 0.1 arcsec pixel scale and 3.3 arcmin field of view are designed to take advantage of the excellent native seeing at the WIYN site and the near diffraction-limited image quality (~ 0.2 arcsec) which WTTM is expected to deliver in the 2 micron band. A selection of wide- and narrow-band filters allow WHIRC to achieve a broad range of scientific goals in stellar physics, star-forming regions, and the ISM in galactic and extragalactic sources.”
Also shown (link below), is a 2 ½ foot high cylinder with Laser Gold on the inside.
WHIRC Project Homepage
WHIRC User Information