Our approach to our task is a simple one. We actually do what the drawing calls out…and we give our customers their money’s worth. This simple philosophy has earned us some curious comments from certain customers. One of the more amusing being, “Epner, you guys are the best of a bad lot.” At least I think we should be amused.
We think of ourselves as specialists, a plating engineering boutique if you will. Our strength comes from many years of solving some really off-the-wall plating challenges. It’s likely we’ve already seen and solved your plating problem for one of our hundreds of customers.
Our experience and depth of plating engineering is yours for a phone call. We’re not paranoid about our processes, since the real secret in the business is controlling those processes.
We also lose patience with those of our competitors who still feed the myth that plating is some form of “black magic.” It may have been back in 1910, when my dad founded the business, but today process control of our plating tanks gives us a plated product that is the only magic in our shop.
As you browse the net for a plater, you’ll come across countless shops that do plating. Why Call Epner?
Mr. Epner It was a WONDERFUL surprise to see you featured in this month’s issue of Product Finishing. I was at your company back in 2011 working on a project for Lockheed-Martin in Sunnyvale using one of your proprietary processes, Epner Black (CuO). I still treasure my gold plated penny and remember all the wonderful stories you gave us about some of the great projects you have worked on…let it be gold plated leave, bathroom and automobile fixtures for wealthy folks or military mirrors!!!!!!!